What is it?
Law No. 14,026/2020 which aims to ensure compliance with the universalization criteria established by legislation, establishing goals of serving 99% of the population with drinking water and 90% with sewage collection and treatment by 2033. Sanctioned by the Presidency of the Republic on the 15th From July 2020, the new legislation modernized the national regulatory environment, adding legal certainty and predictability necessary to attract significant private investments to the sector. The New Sanitation Legal Framework is considered the largest environmental project in the country.
Current Situation of the Sector

What are the biggest benefits for the country?
The promulgation of the Sanitation Regulatory Framework is an achievement for the sector and changes have already occurred in the area of sanitation, especially with the attraction of private investments. Marco is a paradigm shift. It is a law that serves the population in several areas, such as health, environment and quality of life.

Who supervises and controls?
The Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico (ANA) will start editing reference standards. These general rules must be taken into consideration by subnational sanitation regulatory agencies (municipal, intermunicipal, district and state) in their regulatory activities.
Source: Gov.br