About us
Since 2000, Vitalux-Ecoativa designs and implements projects dedicated to reducing water losses, sewage collection and treatment, efficient energy consumption and power generation based on renewable sources.
The payment model is guided by performance contracts, upon sharing the results created by the project. Vitalux-Ecoativa designs the financial solution for the client via operations that may fund up to the totality of the investment.
Vitalux-Ecoativa adopts the best environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, maximizing benefits and creating value for the client.
Vitalux-Ecoativa has a complete and diverse portfolio that creates more economy and increases the operational efficiency based on technical-financial solutions developed exclusively for each client.
Learn more about our customized solutions to deliver the best proposals for water, sewage, and energy with excellence for your company.
DESO - Sergipe Sanitation Company
13 July 2023Vitalux-Ecoativa will be responsible for implementing the first energy efficiency and renewable energy generation project under a DESO performance contract - Companhia de... -
World Water Day
24 March 2023Did you know that March 22nd is World Water Day? The date was created by the UN in 1992 to raise awareness among the world's population about the importance of preserving ... -
New Legal Framework
24 February 2023What is it? Law No. 14,026/2020 which aims to ensure compliance with the universalization criteria established by legislation, establishing goals of serving 99% of the pop...
Environment, Sustainability, and Governance! The ESG concepts are daily practices of Vitalux projects: sustainability to preserve the planet.

Featured projects
SABESP - New Pinheiros River
SABESP - São Luiz
SABESP - Grajaú
SABESP - Terra Preta Plant
SABESP - Interlagos
SANEAGO - WTP and Pumping Plants
SABESP - França Pinto